Son of Ex-Mariners Coach Accuses Mike Trout of Using HGH Through MLB Loophole
By Scott Rogust

Allegations are flying around Major League Baseball, with a majority of the latest firestorm stemming from the Houston Astros and their numerous sign-stealing techniques.
Now, one plugged-in individual is making claims about the league's biggest star in Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout.
David Brosius, son of former Seattle Mariners third base coach and big leaguer Scott Brosius, accused Trout of taking human growth hormone for a "thyroid" issue at the tail end of his rant confirming the Astros' misdeeds.
This is big if true.
— The Scorecrow (@TheScorecrow) January 16, 2020
Credit to @MikeB_923 for finding this on reddit.
"If you want to read something better, Mike Trout takes HGH for a 'thyroid' condition," Brosius writes on Instagram. "It's a loophole he found and the MLB doesn't make it public because they don't want fans knowing their best player is on HGH. But people within know..."
Is this true? Who knows, of course. But this could be a devastating scoop in an entirely unexpected direction from Brosius.
Scott Brosius’ son claims Mike Trout is on HGH for a thyroid condition. (From r/baseball)
— Mike (@MikeB_923) January 16, 2020
Granted, Trout has never been suspended for a failed drug test throughout his career, which makes his accomplishments stand out that much more. In his nine-year career, Trout has notched eight All-Star Game nominations, seven Silver Slugger Awards, and three American League MVP trophies.
As is the case with anything said by a family member of a ball player or coach, you have to take what they write on social media with a grain of salt.
The only individuals who would know are Trout and the league offices...if that's even the case.