Rob Manfred Has No Excuses Left After Admitting He Prefers Agreement With Prorated Salaries

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred
MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred / Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

Rob Manfred's war on baseball is starting to come to a crescendo now that there is a legitimate chance, by his own admission, that the 2020 season does not happen due to strife between the 30 owners and the player's union.

Manfred's tacit acceptance of the possibility that the entire season gets cancelled is even more awkward given how the league has already stated their desire for an agreement that pays players a fully prorated salary. Even with this knowledge out in the open, Manfred still seems committed to siding with the owner's offer that involves less than 100 percent prorated salaries.

There is a non-zero chance that Manfred is just trying to run out the clock on this whole negotiation, eventually hitting the nuclear button and invoking a 48-game regular season when it's impossible to play more games than that. Doing this would be the ultimate act of cowardice and a sign that Manfred is firmly behind the owners and against the players.

Manfred is totally out of excuses and people he can pass the blame to. If there is no season in 2020, he will have only himself to blame.

Manfred's legacy is already irrevocably ruined, so the least he can do is throw fans a bone for the first time in his tenure and try to get a fully prorated season with as many games as logistically possible started up sooner rather than later. However, because Manfred is incompetent and a sycophant for the owners, that probably isn't going to happen.