Earl Thomas Reveals His Wife Bought Him Diamond Chain for Birthday After Insane Arrest Story Leaked

Baltimore Ravens DB Earl Thomas got a nice chain.
Baltimore Ravens DB Earl Thomas got a nice chain. /

Earl Thomas' birthday on Thursday was spent in a manner that's fairly low on anyone's celebration priority list: fending off allegations.

Thomas was forced to release statements late on Wednesday night acknowledging the imminent news that on April 13, his wife had tracked him down via Snapchat, caught him cheating, and brandished a gun in his direction.

As of Thursday, though, it appeared things have gotten a little bit better between the two parties (and the Ravens' star acknowledged as much, saying, "Stuff like this happens," while admitting they were still talking). Late in the evening, Thomas showed off a birthday gift from the missus: a diamond chain featuring a childhood photo with his grandfather.

Yes, this chain cut right to Thomas' heartstrings.

His relationship with his grandfather, Pastor Earl, is a huge part of his narrative, instilling a sense of faith in him long before he joined the Legion of Boom.

Hopefully, a public shoutout on an IG story is the latest step towards reconciliation for the two parties, whose rift occurred several weeks back, even though we all learned about it just 36 hours ago.