Jason Kipnis Gives Unsettling Comment on MLB-MLBPA 2020 Season Negotiations
By Michael Luciano

The constant back and forth and overwhelming negativity between the owners and the players' union regarding the start of the 2020 MLB season has started to trickle down to the players, as Chicago Cubs second baseman Jason Kipnis isn't sold on a 2020 MLB season.
Kipnis, in an interview with ESPN 1000, said that he doesn't think that an agreement will be reached between the two sides, citing how far apart they are with regards to how many games they want to play.
Jason Kipnis on ESPN 1000: "It doesn’t sound like we’re going to come to an agreement because the sides are too far apart."
— Jesse Rogers (@JesseRogersESPN) June 9, 2020
Acknowledges Manfred can then implement a shorter season
We've seen the back and forth over the last few weeks, with potential seasons of 114 games and 48 games being floated.
While Bill Shaikin of the LA Times reported that owners and players have agreed on a July 10 date as the new "Opening Day" for the 2020 season, the amount of games to be played, the target end date for the season, and the specifics of how the money will be split up remain contentious talking points.
MLB owners and players agree on Opening Day July 10. Now owners have to decide how many games to play, and how much to pay. Why the end game in these contentious negotiations is upon us: https://t.co/UEIUeLFfw0
— Bill Shaikin (@BillShaikin) June 10, 2020
The union and the owners are locked in a battle of wills, and both sides seem willing to let a season go by the boards if it means they don't concede to the other's demands. With that mindset, there's a chance that the 2020 season does indeed fail to get started.