Chipper Jones Tweets Support to Bubba Wallace as NASCAR Stands Behind Him After Racist Incident

Chipper Jones is backing Bubba Wallace
Chipper Jones is backing Bubba Wallace /

NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace has been the target of many racially-tinged or outright racist attacks after he came out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and against the presence of the Confederate flag at NASCAR races. Those tensions came to a head when a noose was found in the No. 43 car's garage. In a show of unity and support for Wallace, NASCAR's best drivers helped push Wallace's car down pit row.

Atlanta Braves legend Chipper Jones threw his support behind Wallace and NASCAR, claiming that seeing dozens of drivers helping push Wallace's car was "a chill bump moment."

Wallace, one of the few black drivers in NASCAR today, is in a unique position in a predominately white sport the caters to a healthy Southern market, and he has taken full advantage of it, unapologetically declaring his support for anyone and everyone fighting for racial justice.

NASCAR has made incredible strides to create a welcoming, inclusive environment, and the efforts of drivers like Wallace are a huge reason why. Jones showing cross-sport support for them should only help these demonstrations continue.