VIDEO: Bears' Defender Brings Down Panthers' Rashad Ross by Stretching the Life Out of His Jersey

Bears defender stretched the life out of Rashad Ross' jersey on Thursday.
Bears defender stretched the life out of Rashad Ross' jersey on Thursday. /

With the NFL preseason under way, players around the league are determined to cement their spot on an NFL roster. One trait that will do an athlete favors is determination. Well, you can say Chicago Bears long snapper John Wirtel had some resolve. During a return play against the Carolina Panthers on Thursday night, Rashad Ross was working his way up the field in hopes for a big gain. Wirtel had other ideas, as he brought Ross down by grabbing the back of his jersey and pulled back with all of his might.

Ross' jersey stretched to unbelievable lengths, as he was roughly five yards away from Wirtel with the long snapper still hanging tight. He hilarious ran off the field following the play with what looked like a tail of elastic.