Soccer Player Presumed Dead in 2016 Somehow Found Alive in Germany

A former Schalke prospect thought to be dead was never dead at all
A former Schalke prospect thought to be dead was never dead at all / Soccrates Images/Getty Images

Former Congolese soccer player Hiannick Kamba has overcome quite a lot of personal hardships in his life, and not even supposedly dying in a car crash is enough to totally kill him off for good.

Kamba was thought to have passed away at the age of 29 in a car crash back in his native Democratic Republic of the Congo FOUR YEARS AGO, but it turns out that the supposedly fatal crash never killed him. Furthermore, Kamba is 33 years old now, and working at a power plant in Germany as we speak.

Kamba came through the youth ranks of the prestigious FC Schalke system, even playing on the same youth team as Bayern Munich legend and German international goalie Manuel Neuer. Kamba failed to make the grade, however, and he was playing for eighth-tier side VFB Huls when he disappeared.

Kamba claims that he was abandoned by his friends and left without documentation or money. He tried to prove that he was alive by going to the German embassy in the Congolese capital of Kinshasa, but the lack of documents bearing proof of his name made this difficult.

He has immediately been named as a witness in an insurance fraud case against his wife, who collected a six-figure sum for his life insurance. He even had a whole funeral in his name. Truly bizarre.

2020 certainly is a strange year, and it got even stranger once we learned semi-pro soccer players have started to come back from the dead. Imagine what sort of hi-jinx June will bring.