Old Wilt Chamberlain Photo With Strange Optical Illusion Pants Will Boggle Your Mind

An old picture of Wilt Chamberlain features some confusing pants.
An old picture of Wilt Chamberlain features some confusing pants. /

Wilt Chamberlain is a legendary sports figure who began his professional basketball career starring as a 7-1 beast with the Harlem Globetrotters, and he still stands tall, despite departing from this earth two decades ago.

An old picture of the four-time NBA MVP has resurfaced during quarantine, and it proves he can still bewilder us to this day. The confusing aspect of the picture has to do with Chamberlain's pants -- see for yourself.

Where do the pants end? At the knee? Well before the knee? The little boy in the background seems to be just as confused as we are at the fashion worn by the basketball legend.

Luckily, some eagle-eyed individuals in the replies have revealed the answer to the confounding question...we think?

The mystery is solved. Chamberlain is rocking some vintage joggers to go with his high white socks and Converse shoes. The black and white photo didn't make it any easier to solve the pants mystery, though.

We were so distracted by the pants that we almost missed the fact he is jogging in low-cut Converse. Any NBA player doing that today may get a call from a head trainer within minutes.