Odell Beckham Causing Controversy at National Championship Game Proves He's a Cancer No Matter Where He Goes

Some of the criticism around Cleveland Browns WR Odell Beckham Jr is unwarranted. However, he doesn't do himself any favors with his petulant behavior.

Beckham's latest escapade involved him handing out stacks of cash to LSU players after they beat Clemson in the national championship. LSU was quick to retract a tissue-thin statement that asserted the bills shown were fake after Joe Burrow himself confirmed it was real money.

We can argue over if this should even be a violation of NCAA rules until we're blue in the face, but the fact of the matter is that it is currently a major no-no, and Beckham has tried to steal the thunder away from these kids in the happiest moment of their lives by inserting his controversial self into proceedings.

Let's not even begin to discuss the fact that he thought it was a good idea to engage a police officer, which adds a new layer to Beckham's rowdy Monday night.

Beckham was the source of controversy in New York, he hasn't been able to keep his mouth shut about his future in Cleveland, and he could be on the verge of getting his alma mater punished in New Orleans. Where No. 13 goes, trouble follows.