London is Clearly Mocking America With Food for Yankees-Red Sox Showdown

Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees London Series Food
Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees London Series Food /

America is known for going big with its food, and it seems as though London is making a mockery of it.

On Tuesday, Sports Illustrated put out a tweet highlighting some of the food that will be available for the Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees series in London. Among the food shown were some comically large items that seemed like a direct shot at the way America likes to eat food, especially in ballparks.

While a fried chicken sandwich and bean based veggie burger were shown, these food items are dwarfed by two feet of nachos and a two-foot long hot dog in chili, jalapeños, onions and nacho cheese sauce. It hasn't gone unnoticed, as fans have taken to twitter to react to the absurd amount of food that was pictured.

Is this the way London thinks we eat food? Don't get me wrong, it's sort of true as baseball stadiums serve odd varieties of wacky foods, but this is pretty extreme.

I guess this is the British take on trying to give their fans an authentic ballpark experience. We salute your efforts, London, but you may have gone a bit overboard!