LeBron James Shows Support for Bronny on Instagram After Heckling Incident

LeBron James showed his support for his son Bronny on Instagram
LeBron James showed his support for his son Bronny on Instagram /

Sierra Canyon's game on Monday at the Hoophall Classic was briefly interrupted by officials and security guards who were forced to take action when a heckler in the crowd thew an object in the direction of Bronny James.

The object was nothing more than a small piece of debris, but it hit Bronny as he was waiting to inbound the ball from the sideline, and the fan was rightfully escorted out of the gym.

There's simply no place for these sort of antics at a high school game, and LeBron took to Instagram to declare his love and support for his son in the aftermath.

"Know I got your back and front throughout it all!" read James' heartfelt caption. "I’d die for you and your siblings. Never waver no matter what disrespect, hate, envy, jealousy, etc comes your way! Only push forward and continue to be the great kid/young man/person you are! Love you kid!!"

That's amazing, but The King wasn't done defending Bronny on social media. Only this time, he took to Twitter to reply to a clip of the spineless jester.

We would expect nothing less from LBJ.

As for Bronny, it goes without saying that he is in tremendous hands and will go on to develop a similar bulletproof mindset to that of his father.