Latest MLB Update Proves They Haven't Thought Enough About Public Health During Embarrassing Negotiations

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred
MLB commissioner Rob Manfred / Billie Weiss/Boston Red Sox/Getty Images

By any metrric, MLB has been having a tough time trying to restart their season. Their recent proposal for a restart was rejected by the MLBPA, due to their demand for more player pay cuts and continual sacrifices amid the ongoing danger of the coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday, more news broke about the MLB's return plan, and it isn't great.

Playing baseball during the coronavirus will be a dangerous feat for players and league employees even if everything is handled perfectly. In spite of this, it seems MLB has not contacted nearly enough public health officials for advice on restarting their season, and doesn't have a plan in place for daily testing.

Communicating constantly with public health officials is a basic thing that all leagues should be doing to ensure the safety of their players -- of course, this situation is always evolving.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, on the other hand, has been in contact with health officials since the pandemic first hit the USA in March, and his league is, of course, on the verge of returning.

If the MLB is serious about its return plans, the league is going to need to step up in this arena, which is currently being overshadowed by monetary squabbles. Players are worried about their safety, and the safety of their families. Superstar Mike Trout and his wife are expecting a baby in August.

He and other players will want to know that the league is doing everything it can to avoid the coronavirus spreading throughout the game. Daily testing is something leagues should definitely have prepared for their return to play. The NHL recently announced that they will be including daily testing if they return, and it feels strange that MLB neglected such things.

Lacking a plan for daily testing is a bad look for the MLB, and proves the monetary emphasis has clouded the bigger picture here.