Latest 2020 NFL Draft Update Suggests Virtual Possibility is Still Very Complicated

The NFL is having issues with the virtual draft
The NFL is having issues with the virtual draft / Joe Robbins/Getty Images

The 2020 NFL Draft will be conducted remotely instead of in the heart of Las Vegas, or in individual team war rooms, in an attempt to practice social distancing and help curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Coaches and front office members will have electronic stations in their homes to help communicate between one another, but the setup of these stations presents another potential hurdle in getting this draft off without a hitch.

Some people within the league are raising alarms even with this method, afraid of strangers who could be carrying the COVID-19 virus coming into their homes.

A very real and legitimate concern, as letting strangers into your house could be very problematic indeed.

Teams have also decided to use the video chat app Zoom to communicate with important personnel. However, some are concerned that opposing teams or outside parties could potentially hijack those Zoom meetings by hacking into them.

The NFL is a sports league and a marketing giant, not a giant IT department. In what is uncharted territory for the entire league, the 2020 Draft starting in a remote setting brings with a number of potentially draft-altering issues, should Murphy's Law rear its head and cause havoc.

This setup has the potential to be really cool and unique, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there are dozens of potential problems with doing this remotely, especially during an unprecedented pandemic.

We all just have to be understanding.