VIDEO: Joe Buck Commentating Mina Kimes' Dog Catching a Football is Gold

Mina Kimes' dog Lenny has officially been renamed Scraps by Joe Buck
Mina Kimes' dog Lenny has officially been renamed Scraps by Joe Buck /

A new athlete has emerged in the football world: Lenny the dog, aka "Scraps." In an electrifying highlight, Mina Kimes' dog retrieved a football that seems to have been retrieved many times before, and it was all taken to the next level by the commentary of Joe Buck, who's using his suddenly-free slate to comment on all sorts of clips like this for charity. Buck described this one as "17 seconds of fun."

Good dog.

Buck has decided to spend his quarantine sharpening his play-by-play skills by commentating on the random things people are doing at home, and honestly, we're all better off for it. His first effort with Mina Kimes' video is going to be a high bar to clear because, well, look at it. That said, he's managed to expand his portfolio to calling different sports.

More importantly, for each video that gets posted, the creator has to donate to a charity of their choosing. It's good to know that the fun is for a good cause. So while it remains to be seen if Buck will lend his talents to the NBA or the puppy bowl this year, we at least know it's making a difference in a tough time. If they're all as electric as the fetch clip, he might need to keep it up when we're all out of quarantine.