Best Bear Bryant Quotes About Auburn Iron Bowl Rivalry

Southern Miss v Alabama
Southern Miss v Alabama / Joe Robbins/Getty Images

The Iron Bowl is lurking just around the corner, and it only seems fitting that we revisit the legacy left by one of the rivalry's most notable figures, Alabama head coach Bear Bryant.

His distaste for Auburn held a special place in his heart that manifested itself in some incredibly memorable quotes. So let's take a stroll down memory lane!

"Sure, I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state."

Now that's the kind of vitriolic hate the rivalry is missing nowadays! The fans might still get heated, but it's not very often that the coaches themselves start slinging mud at each other.

Maybe if Nick Saban really wants to rally the troops, he'll take a page out of Bryant's book.

"What the hell's the matter with you people down there? Don't y'all take your football seriously?"

This, of course, was said in reference to Auburn's coaches when he called their offices early in the morning only to realize the coaches weren't there.

Hey, the man had a winning recipe that worked for a quarter of a century. If it involves arriving at the office before the sun is even up, then every other coach should start taking notes.

"I know one thing, I'd rather die now than to have died this morning and missed this game."

When the Crimson Tide toppled undefeated Auburn in 1971, Bryant's true colors really showed. This game proved that football, specifically beating Auburn, ranked above all else on his priority list, and as a fan, you can't ask for much more out of your coach.