Antonio Brown's Bonkers Day Continues by Dragging Ex-Girlfriend's Dad Into Bizarre Twitter Frenzy

Antonio Brown is losing his mind on Twitter after filming a police encounter Saturday on Instagram.
Antonio Brown is losing his mind on Twitter after filming a police encounter Saturday on Instagram. /

Trying to decipher what Antonio Brown's tweets actually mean has become a sort of bizarre hobby for football fans, and Saturday has provided still-more messages to unravel.

The former superstar wide receiver added on to what was already an odd day on social media by firing off a bizarre and rambling tweet directed at a man we presume to be his ex-girlfriend's father, Todd Kyriss.

This came just a couple hours after Brown went after both of his parents following a fan's reply about his antics being the reason why he has yet to find another job in the NFL.

All of this came following a ridiculous Instagram Live video he posted that depicted himself getting into an incredibly heated argument with the police at his home.

But he didn't stop there.

Just minutes after he called out his ex's father, he fired off a pair of rather intriguing tweets about painful adversity.

He immediately followed that up by doing a complete turnaround, saying that he felt like he could get through anything.

It's genuinely baffling trying to figure just what he's trying to say. There has to be some sort of Google translate option out there to help figure out what all of AB's absurd and cryptic tweets are really about.

For now, though, they're just the ramblings of a former NFL superstar who, by his own doing, finds himself with far too much time on his hands.