Antonio Brown Slid Into Instagram Model's DMs After She Posted Pic of Herself in His Raiders Jersey

Sports Gossip
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Antonio Brown has a lot going on, as he's getting prepared for a new journey with the New England Patriots after getting released by the Oakland Raiders. That didn't keep him from sliding into the DMs of a woman by the name of Emmy Lou after she posted a picture of herself in AB's Raiders uniform on Monday in an attempt to get him to change his mind.

She was a little late on the sales pitch, and based off what Brown did next, this might have worked with better timing.

Even though Lou isn't keeping this from happening, AB wanted to pay her a compliment, telling her "U sexy, sexy."

What do you think AB's baby momma thinks about this now that it's all over the internet? More importantly, this could be the last of Brown's social media activity, because, after all, he just joined the Patriots, and you're only allowed to posted the corniest of content by team rule.